Microdosing systems have been specially developed for the fine dosing of ingredients, additives, and raw materials, where overdosing of micro-ingredients can be costly.
A key condition for a high-quality final product is controlled and precise dosing of ingredients. Micro and nano dosing systems are specially developed for the accurate dosing of ingredients. At Jesma, each system is tailored to meet the customer's requirements, and by carefully considering the product's characteristics, it makes precise dosing possible even for low-flow products.
With our technology, you will achieve:
- Process safety: Avoid human errors such as placing a product in the wrong silo (silo opening system via barcode).
- Cylindrical silos: Prevent product sticking in corners and eliminate rat holing.
- Silo bottom scraper: Ensures a continuous and free flow for all raw materials.
- Propeller and pneumatic lid: Maximizes precision and stops the flow at the exact moment.
- Teflon-coated and cylindrical scales: Ensures complete and quick discharge.
- Dust aspiration filtration system.

Below is an installation featuring multiple micro and nano dosing units installed in Poland.
The system can be arranged in circular, semi-circular, square, or other required layouts depending on the available space and location. Jesma offers various types of micro scales for the dosing system, each tailored to meet client needs and designed to guarantee complete emptying of the weighing container. The silos are available with live bottoms featuring scrapers and stirring screws, ensuring complete discharge of low-flowability materials and uniform feeding of the dosing screw.
Nano dosing scales
The JesBatch Nano dosing scale is designed to eliminate cross-contamination and operate with very high static precision for dosing and weighing small quantities of ingredients. The scale consists of a Teflon-coated weighing container that empties by being pneumatically tilted and vibrated with a pneumatic hammer to ensure complete emptying between batches. These scales range from 2 kg (+/- 0.5 g) to 30 kg (+/- 7 g).

Micro dosing scales
The JesBatch Micro scale features a weighing container with pneumatically activated bottom flaps for emptying. The Teflon-coated flaps open 90° to ensure complete emptying between batches. These scales range from 50 kg (+/- 10 g) to 200 kg (+/- 40 g).

Medi dosing scales
Jesma completes the range of dosing scales with the JesBatch Medi, designed for medium-sized ingredient dosing. To prevent dust accumulation in the environment, a slight negative pressure must be maintained in the scale, requiring aspiration. Additionally, the air from the lower pneumatic transport system must not affect the weighing process. This is achieved by installing a valve above the transport system. These scales range from 400 kg (+/- 100 g) to 1000 kg (+/- 250 g).

All scales are supplied with completely smooth interiors to ensure optimal emptying and minimal cross-contamination, combined with a sturdy and rigid construction for the highest possible operational reliability.