Truck loading

Truck loading

The JesLoader system from Jesma is ideal for loading trucks without the need for the vehicle to move underneath the silos. The system is designed to load a predetermined amount of bulk material into a truck from multiple silos.

The JesLoader is mounted on rails so that it can move from one silo to another, loading the required amount of material from each silo, thus eliminating the need to install a scale under each silo or making repeated trips to a bridge scale after filling each truck.

Operating principle:

  • Once the truck is correctly positioned, the driver enters the order number into the control system. This may be part of the general control system or a Jesma handling solution.
  • The JesLoader will position itself correctly beneath the preprogrammed silo by navigating through an incremental encoder, and when the JesLoader is in place, the correct amount of product will be released onto the scale as ordered through the system.
  • Once filling is complete, the JesLoader is guided to the correct position over the truck's intake using a remote control unit. The product will be released into the truck when the operator accepts it.

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