Aerox is the manufacturer of the Aerox Injector, a device that eliminates bad odors produced in industrial processes and is recognized as "the best available technology." It uses non-thermal plasma to generate free oxygen radicals, which react with the odorous air and prevent them from being detectable by the human nose.
The main advantages of the Aerox Injector:
- Eliminates up to 95% of odors.
- Works in 0.5 seconds.
- Consumes minimal electrical energy.
- Has a compact size.
- Does not use fuels, chemicals, or water.
- Generates no waste.
- Easy to install and maintain.

The system includes a small fan that extracts air from the environment and pushes it through a set of filters and a heater. These components purify the air and reduce its relative humidity. Once clean and free from condensation risk, the air circulates through the cold plasma modules, where oxygen radicals are generated. These radicals are injected into the process duct and react quickly with odorous gases, making them imperceptible to the human nose.
The injection principle ensures that process air (with humidity, temperature, and dust) does not enter the plasma modules of the equipment, which can be considered the "heart" of the system. This scheme of injecting oxygen radicals generated from treated air can be represented as follows:

In addition to the injection principle, another very important advantage is the compact size of the equipment, which does not exceed 6.5 meters in length. It also allows for multiple configurations and the installation of separate parts connected by ducts.

Together with Aerox, we help our clients reduce emissions and comply with industrial and governmental regulations. Their innovative technique for eliminating odors in humid air processes has become the preferred solution for global market leaders.