Industrial waste? Learn about the most sustainable and efficient solution!
The Byproduct Recovery System, or better known as SRS, is a proven solution to reduce, reuse and recycle both wet and dry byproducts, regardless of their size, temperature and moisture content.
In that sense, it has two tanks:
- Homogenization tank: Receives the byproducts to be recovered. It has a specially designed blade that rotates at high speed to achieve a homogeneous mixture (slurry) with an approximate concentration of 20% byproducts and 80% water at a temperature between 40 and 50 °C.
- Maintenance tank: Once the homogeneous mixture is achieved, it is transferred to this tank through pipes. Here, a mixer keeps the slurry homogeneous and at the proper viscosity.
Additionally, the SRS control system communicates with the preconditioner-extruder PLC to ensure the correct water content within the preconditioner and extruder, avoiding unwanted variations in moisture content and ensuring optimal quality and uniformity of the final product.
Watch it in operation by clicking the button below!