Many raw materials are received in big bags, and safely and automatically unloading the product can be a challenge. With Comav unloaders, you can make this process much more efficient and secure.
If the big bags are disposable, the opening blades will do their job by tearing the bottom of the big bag. On the other hand, if the big bag is reusable and features a sleeve or neck at the bottom, the appropriate equipment is one that allows manual intervention by the operator for opening. At Clivio Solutions, together with Comav, we offer both opening options.

The ideal equipment for your plant will be the one that matches the level of automation and unloading capacity you want to achieve, always prioritizing safety.
When a high unloading capacity is required, we must resort to a set of unloaders, which can work in parallel without any issues. An example of such installations is shown below, where the same feeding channel using conveyor rollers is used for both unloading systems.

Along with Comav, a wide range of systems for big bag opening, with or without unloading sleeves, is offered. For these applications, multiple accessories are available, such as:
- Cylinders for emptying the bottom residual of the big bag.
- Hoists with cable or battery (wireless).
- Rotary valves for pneumatic transport or other types of transport.
- Knife valves for sealing the big bag sleeve.
- Lump breakers.
- Systems for extracting and filtering the pollution generated and reinserting the dust into the transport system to maximize utilization.
The equipment has a flat hopper with a special gasket and a safety structure useful for disengaging the sleeve.